Our design thinking is clinical, at every step of the project we generate enough data to guide the next process.
We spend enough time to understand and discuss the problem statement with our clients and reach out to the stakeholders within the client organisation until the project goals and scope of work has been clearly defined.
Client organisation is a key player in this step. We rely on them to provide a better function, user and market understanding. We conduct series of experiments to understand the feasibility, user and ergonomics. This data drives us to preliminary form, we call it form boundaries.
With user interaction study, our form boundaries are trimmed away to reveal a 3D model. The next step is to identify and test all the components, which drives us to an engineering design of the first prototype. This step accounts for all the safety and market regulations for consumer products and special machines (SPM)
We devise the design of experiments (DoEs) for testing, then plan and select prototyping techniques. We believe the prototype is a data-gathering device employed for a deeper understanding of the problem and user.
In our year of practice, we figured to incorporate manufacturing, packaging and shipping limitations in the ideation phase of a project. This ensures our design see the light of the market.
Project memorandum
After a preliminary discussion with the client, we generate a project memorandum, to share our understanding of the problem statement and communicate the scope of work.
Project Proposal
We are meticulous in defining our task, the process employed and the outcome. It aligns client expectations and justifies our offer.