We take pride in being an asset creation bureau, many of our clients develop a proof of concept and prototypes to attract investment. In our practice, we experienced that investors need more information on existing company assets, to deduce prospects. A patent is one such asset. We have an experienced patent consultant on our team.
Being an electronics and telecommunication engineer, his entrepreneurial venture ranges from the development and manufacturing of electronics products to medicine formulation. After a legal debacle with his first entrepreneurial venture, Viplav set out to study law and prevent such a situation in future. Ever since he has been guiding technology companies with utility patents.
He has drafted over 100+ patents, covering a wide area of applications such as mechanical, electronics, IoT, chemical, blockchain, big data analytics software, Li-Fi and other telecommunication technology products.
His entrepreneurial rigour and understanding of technology make him an effective patent consultant.
Evaluating whether your idea is patentable or not, based on the following criteria:
1. Novelty
2. Non-obviousness
3. Inventiveness
4. Non-patent literature
5. Existing patents
Filing a patent under PCT for multiple countries
Clarifying objections of the patent office